
ARAM Tier List: Champion Rankings and Best Builds

Discover the top-performing champions and builds in ARAM, ranked by win rate. We've analyzed 106,298 games in patch 15.4 to bring the most accurate stats.

You can customize and filter your view by using our filters. You can filter all champions by class to find the top performing Mages, Fighters, Assassins and more. You can also tick the "Include Build" checkbox below to expand the list and include each champion build in a separate row. This way you can analyze different builds separately, like AP Malphite vs Tank Malphite.

You can also filter the builds page by runes or items, to find the best users of Electrocute or Duskblade. You can also just compare each champion's winrate with different builds to find the one that suits you the best! All the data in this page is gathered from players of all ranks.

Patch 15.4
All Runes
All Items
All Classes
ChampionWin RateGamesMalphiteRuneHeartsteel iconMalphite53.6%1,297MalphiteRuneMalignance iconMalphite45.0%5,999
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