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| PATCH 14.2

Mastering Vi in ARAM: A Comprehensive Guide to Builds, Items, and Tactics

Vi infographic

The Power of Eclipse on Vi

Eclipse shines as one of the best item choices for Vi, especially when leaning towards a bruiser build. Its synergistic effects allow Vi to not just engage effectively but also survive the ensuing fray, making her a formidable adversary. The additional shield and burst damage provided by Eclipse bolster Vi's natural tankiness and damage output, enabling her to dive deep into enemy lines and come out unscathed. Moreover, Vi's ability to stick to targets and dish out consistent damage makes this item exceptionally useful in skirmishes and team fights, highlighting its importance in her arsenal.

Vi's Ultimate: A Game-changer

Vi's ultimate, Cease and Desist, is undeniably one of her most impactful abilities, offering both reliable crowd control and damage. It's a point-and-click ability that ensures Vi can target and neutralize key opponents, particularly squishy backline champions. This ability's significance is amplified in team-oriented game modes like ARAM, where locking down and quickly eliminating a high-value target can drastically swing the momentum in your team's favor. The relentless pursuit coupled with the unstoppable nature of her ultimate makes it a tool of terror for opponents and a beacon of hope for Vi's team.

The Bruiser Build Path Triumphs

Diving into Vi's optimal build strategies reveals a pronounced preference for the bruiser build path, especially evident in items such as Sundered Sky and Eclipse, which offer a blend of damage, survivability, and utility. The bruiser build capitalizes on Vi's innate tankiness and her potential for damage output, allowing her to excel in sustained fights while being capable of withstanding considerable retaliation from the enemy. This preference is rooted in the adaptive nature of ARAM, where survivability often trumps the raw damage of assassin builds, underscoring the adaptability required to excel in this fast-paced mode.


In the current state of ARAM, Vi emerges as a strong contender, primarily when outfitted with the bruiser build, highlighted by the inclusion of Eclipse. Her ability to engage, sustain, and eliminate high-priority targets with her ultimate makes her a valuable asset in any team composition. The consistency of her performance, bolstered by the right itemization and understanding of her mechanics, underlines her potency. Players looking to maximize Vi's potential should consider leveraging Eclipse within a bruiser-centric build, ensuring they can impact fights significantly while navigating the chaotic and unpredictable battleground of ARAM.

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