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| PATCH 13.18

How Many ADCs is it Better to Have on a Team in ARAM?

One of the most important things for winning ARAM games is the team composition. An important part of it is the Marksman, who provides wave clear, has easier access to towers and scales very well into the late game. But is a Marksman necessary to win games or should we have several ones on it?

Here's how the win rate changes with the number of ADCs on a team:

0 ADCs: 48.2% win rate, 536,011 games.
1 ADCs: 51.4% win rate, 1,158,847 games.
2 ADCs: 50.2% win rate, 705,913 games.
3 ADCs: 46.3% win rate, 162,817 games.
4 ADCs: 39.1% win rate, 16,280 games.
5 ADCs: 29.7% win rate, 1,152 games.

Note that one issue with the data is that if two teams with 1 ADC face each other it counts both as a win and as a loss, so win rates tend to 50%.

However, there's a clear trend that shows that having at least one ADC is optimal, and having two appears to be generally better than having none. 3 or more ADCs seems like too much.

Does Janna Benefit From Having ADCs in her team?

The idea to look at this data came by a reddit comment where the author who was curious about a Janna stat. How does her optimal build change depending on how many ADCs there are on her team?

First, Janna's general win rate depending on number of ADCs on her team is:
0 ADCs: 50.2% win rate.
1 ADCs: 54.1% win rate.
2 ADCs: 54.7% win rate.
3 ADCs: 48.9% win rate.
4 ADCs: 43.0% win rate.

And an overall win rate of 53.2%. The only difference with general stats is that if there's a Janna in your team, having 2 ADCs is now usually better than having just one, although by a small margin. Having 3 or more of them is still too much, and even worse than not having any.

Janna Highest Win Rate Based on Items

As to her items, Liandry's and Luden's are always worse than support items, no matter the number of ADCs in her team.

If there are no ADCs on her team, her best first item to buy is Echoes of Helia with 56.4%. Other popular items are Imperial Mandate (52.6%) and Moonstone Renewer (52.9%).

If there's one ADC on her team, then both Moonstone (56.6%) and Mandate (57.4%) become better than EoH (54.3%). The difference becomes even bigger if there are two ADCs on her team, with Mandate going up to 60.6% win rate, Moonstone 57% and EoH 53.2%. Sample size is too small for 3 or more ADCs on her team to gather this detailed data.


One big takeaway from this is that it's good to remember that there are a lot of variables that affect performance of champions and optimal builds and just using the highest win rate build for a champion might not be the best choice for your particular game situation.

I'll keep building tools here at ARAM Zone to bring more advanced and detailed information to help in your games!

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