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| PATCH 13.17

Result of Balance Updates on ARAM - Patch 13.17

Patch 13.17 has been live for a week now and it affected the power level of several champions. These are the most affected ones:




A small change did a big difference for Kennen, who got his damage dealt in ARAM increased from 100% to 105%. Even though it looks small, his win rate increased from 48.3% to 50.6%, which made it the biggest positive change this patch!


Tryndamere was already strong in ARAM, especially when he builds Heartsteel followed by crit items. The tankiness combined with high damage makes him very hard to deal with. Trynda got his attack buffed from 125 to 175, which is huge! He got a small compensation nerf to his ARAM-specific changes, which went from 115% damage dealt to 110%. It wasn't enough though, he is now officially the highest win rate champion in ARAM with a whooping 54.6% win rate. He still has significant ARAM buffs with 110% damage dealt, -15% damage received and 40% increased healing. Maybe it's time to tone these down a bit?


The Cryophoenix got a slight buff to her damage taken. It went down from 100% to 95%. This improved her win rate by 1.6% although it's still lower than average at 48.6%. Pro-tip: if playing Anivia, build ROA. It has over 52% win rate, compared to Liandry's sub 48%.


The robot lady got some buffs to her health growth and W damage, which helped her break into the top 10 champions by win rate with 52.9%. She's really strong as a mage but can also be played support if needed.



Hecarim received many changes, including a nerf to his self-healing on his W and adjustments to his mana costs that should be slightly net-positive. In the patch notes Riot noted that they expect him to build Spear of Shojin which got buffed this patch but it's still not enough for the horse. His win rate went down dramatically from 46.1% to 42.4% making him one of the bottom 3 champions by win rate. If he builds Shojin his win rate does go slightly up but only to around 47%. He still has ARAM-specific changes like +5% damage dealt, -10% damage taken and +20% healing done but it's still not enough to make him strong. He is doing fine on Summoner's Rift, so maybe his playstyle is just not well suited for ARAM.


Nasus has been strong for a while, so his ARAM nerf (105% Damage Taken ⇒ 110% Damage Taken) is somewaht justified. Still, his win rate suffered greatly, going down 2.2 percentage points to 50.1%.


Similar to Nasus, the fire mage has been topping the ARAM charts for a while, so he got a nerf to his ability haste in ARAM (-10). He still has 52.2% win rate, so can clearly still win games.


Kayn got a nerf to the AD scaling on his W, which brought his win rate down by about 1 percentage point. He's still quite strong, even with his ARAM-specific nerfs (-5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken).

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