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| PATCH 13.7

Milio: The Gentle Flame Ignites ARAM

Introducing Milio, The Gentle Flame, a new champion who has set the League of Legends ARAM community ablaze with his supportive playstyle. With a general win rate of 52.4%, Milio excels when built as a support. Let's explore his stats, runes, and item choices that contribute to his fiery success.

Milio Infographic

Runes: Summon Aery vs. Arcane Comet

Milio's playstyle benefits from rune choices that emphasize his supportive strengths. Summon Aery is the top choice, boasting a 55.2% win rate. This rune synergizes well with his abilities, providing extra shielding and damage to teammates. In contrast, Arcane Comet, focusing more on poke damage, has a significantly lower win rate of 42.8%.

Items: Supportive Builds Outshine Damage Builds

Milio's versatility shines through his item choices. When built as a support, he achieves higher win rates:

Moonstone Renewer: 55.3% win rate Shurelya's Battlesong: 52.9% win rate Locket of the Iron Solari: 48.7% win rate These items amplify Milio's supportive capabilities, offering healing, movement speed, and shielding during team fights.

However, pure damage builds featuring Luden's Tempest (41.7% win rate) and Liandry's Anguish (40.9% win rate) have not been as successful. While they increase Milio's damage output, they detract from his primary strength as a supportive champion.

Embrace the Support Role

As "The Gentle Flame," Milio makes a significant impact on the ARAM game mode with his versatile playstyle. Not only does he boast one of the highest win rates among supports (just behind Renata), but he also brings an exciting and engaging gameplay experience to the table. With Milio, you can enjoy the thrill of empowering your teammates, controlling the battlefield with crowd control, and strategically positioning your fuemigo to turn the tide of battle.

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